Monday, August 17, 2009

Broadband for Everyone

Broadband in America:

From Business Week, stimulus package broadband expansion funds are not going to cities.

Broadband Stimulus and the Underserved

I was curious about the situation around the world, so I asked Google. He showed me Internet World Stats. They showed me a table of broadband penetration, but, unfortunately, it was ranked by total broadband subscribers. U.S. has the most. China is second. That is pointless.

How do we compare, penetration per capita. U.S.: 21.9%. China: 3.7%.

Open Office:

Internet World Stats does not, unfortunately, provide a spreadsheet version of its data for download. I needed their data sorted by penetration. Briefly considered retyping into a spreadsheet, but decided to try for an easy alternative.

I swept my mouse over Internet World Stats whole table. Pressed ^C. Went to my text editor and pressed ^V. Scrambled data eggs.

I opened an OO spreadsheet. Pressed ^V in cell A1. Absolutely amazing! A very nice spreadsheet appeared. Even the report and column headers were sensibly laid out.

I selected column D and asked for a descending sort. Ooops. That sorted column D. Selected all the data and asked for a sort. It asked, "What column(s) and up or down, please?" Click, click, done. Just what I wanted to know. U.S. is seventh in the world behind some countries you might have guessed (Sweden) and some you might not (France).

I'd show you the whole table, but that might be hard. I'll try, anyway.

Whole Table:

Back to OO. Save as HTML. Open HTML in text editor, copy the parts from "<TABLE>" through "</TABLE>" tags. (Sorry to see that OO still uses capital letters.)

Pasted the HTML into the Blogger "Edit HTML" tab. Here's the result:

# Country or Region Broadband Subscribers Broadband Penetration (%) Population ( 2007 Est. ) Source and Date of Usage Data
12 Netherlands 5388000 32.80% 16447682 ECTA - Mar./07
5 Korea, South 14042728 27.40% 51300989 OECD - Dec./06
20 Sweden 2478003 27.20% 9107795 ECTA - March/07
9 Canada 7675533 23.70% 32440970 OECD - Dec/06
6 United Kingdom 13957111 23.10% 60363602 ECTA - Mar./07
7 France 13677000 22.30% 61350009 Teleco - Mar/07
1 United States 66213257 21.90% 301967681 OECD - June/07
4 Germany 17472000 21.20% 82509367 OECD - June/07
3 Japan 27152349 21.10% 128646345 OEDC - June/07
13 Taiwan 4505800 19.60% 23001442 ITU - Sept/07
14 Australia 3939288 18.80% 20984595 OECD - Sept/06
10 Spain 7505456 16.70% 45003663 CMT - July/07
8 Italy 9427300 15.80% 59546696 ECTA - Mar/07
18 Poland 2640000 6.90% 38109499 OECD - Dec./06
16 Turkey 3632700 4.80% 75863600 ECTA - Mar/07
2 China 48500000 3.70% 1317431495 MII - Sept./06
15 Mexico 3728150 3.50% 106457446 OECD - Sept/06
11 Brazil 6417000 3.40% 186771161 Teleco - June/07
17 Russia 2900000 2.00% 143406042 ITU - Sept./07
19 India 2520000 0.20% 1129667528 TRAI - June/07

TOP 20 Countries 268150077 6.90% 3890377607 IWS - Nov.14/07
Rest of the World 36321302 1.40% 2684288810 IWS - Nov.14/07
Total World Subscribers 304471379 4.60% 6574666417 IWS - Nov.14/07

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